Contact Us


We are eager to meet you and discuss how Irshad can support you and answer any questions you may have. 
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Dr. Nisreen Al- Otaibi

Ph.D. Counseling psychology

Dr. Nasri Jacir

Internist Psychiatrist, M.D, Consultant

Lana Seguias

Ph.D Psychology 

Christina Sadiq

M.A Psychology

Sara Ashoor


Ghalia Dabbour

Mental Health @ Workplace Program Coordinator

Educational Psychology Department:

Dina Al-Hussein

Head of Educational Psychology Department

Mayada Sabri

Speech and Language Consultant

Amneh Isbaih

Occupational Therapy Consultant


Irshad Directions:

* 8th Circle, behind Zain Company, Mohammed Saleh Al-Ajlouni St., Building No. 21, 1st floor.
*  7th circle, Al-Mawaddah St., Alshrouki complex-Building No. 26, 3rd floor

Give us a call:

Tel: 962-6- 5868686

Mob: 962-7-96000171

Or shoot us a direct email:

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